It is our commission to proclaim the Gospel.

“Go into all the world and preach the Good News
to everyone, everywhere.” Mark 16:15 NLT

We strongly believe in the Words of Jesus as He has said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone, everywhere.” Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and helping others in need should be the goal of all God’s people. Romans 10:15 says, “how shall they preach unless they are sent?” This Scripture is strongly implying that the church has a responsibility to enable those who are willing to go. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity to partner with those who are fulfilling the Great Commission. All the world is a huge responsibility and a difficult task but we can make a difference in the lives of many people by teeming up with our Missionaries.

​Nepal,  Thailand,  Burma/Myanmar,  Imran Pasha Family

You can make a difference!  Please donate any amount to one or all of the Missions we support.
There is a need of a Church building in Nepal. We would like to raise enough money to help pay for a building for them to worship Jesus in. Brother Santa Gurung is our Missionary there. He has lead many people to know the Lord. His ministry and the new converts need our prayers and financial support.
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